- At the time of booking, it is mandatory to provide the flight number.
Specify the point of Origin (Airport/Hotel) and the Destination Point (Airport/Hotel).
- The contracted transfers only cover one journey (Airport to Hotel) or (Hotel to Airport).
- If you book a transfer to the Hotel, it is essential that it is located within the city of Medellín.
- The transfer from Airport to Hotel or Vice versa takes approximately 35 to 60 minutes, depending on the hotel you are heading to. This time should be considered when establishing the return schedule to the Airport.
- It is essential to have an active mobile number to establish communication and provide the respective instructions.
- For domestic flights, they will wait for a maximum of 30 minutes after the flight's landing time, and for international flights, they will wait for 1 hour. If you have any additional delays, please notify our customer service line.
- Please, in case your flight is delayed, notify our customer service line.
IMPORTANT: For both cases (airport pickup/hotel pickup), we ask that you contact us at the time of making the reservation.
If your transportation is to pick you up at the airport and take you to your hotel, please connect to the airport's WiFi network upon arrival if you don't have internet access, so we can continue communicating and let us know when you are at the pickup point.
If your transportation is to pick you up at your hotel and take you to the airport, please inform us in advance of the hotel where you are staying (transfers cover hotels located within Medellín; there is an additional charge for hotels outside of Medellín). Additionally, please remember that for domestic flights it is recommended to be at the airport 2 hours before, and for international flights, 3 hours before. The journey from Medellín to the airport takes approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour.