Efoil Surf Board Lesson in Calheta BeachE-foil Surf Board Lesson in Calheta Beach

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ID: GYG441125-794963
Land: Portugal

Duur: 01:00 uren


An E-foil is a surfboard with an electric propeller just above the wing of the hydrofoil, which powers the board to move through any water. It's guaranteed fun in the first session!
Sea4FunMadeira is a project created with the aim of promoting fun and adrenaline-filled nautical activities.
Provides you all the necessary material for you to enjoy the Efoil Surf Board in complete safety.
We want you to make the most of it and have fun exploring the beautiful Madeiran coast.

Sea4FunMadeira is also a space to promote the encounter between different people and cultures.

An E-foil is a surfboard with an electric propeller just above the wing of the hydrofoil, which powers the board to move through any water. The E-foil is powered by a nearly silent electric motor and rechargeable battery. It's controlled by a handheld wireless remote that syncs to the E-foil via Bluetooth.

This latest activity is unique and exclusive in Madeira!
Contrary to what you might think, these boards are easy to handle.

You can get the same levels of emotion that you get in similar nautical activities, without demanding long hours of dedication.

It's guaranteed fun in the first session!


  • This activity is unique and exclusive in Madeira!
  • If you eager for more adrenaline, then the E-Foil is the next big thing for you
  • It’s guaranteed fun in the first session!



Wanneer moet ik boeken?

Om de beschikbaarheid te garanderen, dient u zo snel mogelijk te reserveren. Vroegboekkorting is het overwegen waard, vooral als u de reis plant tijdens het hoogseizoen, zoals op feestdagen of in het weekend.


Annulering is niet mogelijk. Als u het toch annuleert of niet komt opdagen op de excursie, wordt u toch de volledige prijs van de activiteit in rekening gebracht en wordt het betaalde bedrag niet terugbetaald.