Arusha: Materuni Coffee Tour with Hot Springs and Lunch
ID: GYG857651-1359883
देश: Tanzania
05:30 घंटे
Discover the traditional way of making coffee at a local farm in Materuni on a guided tour from Arusha. Relax and swim in the clear waters of the hot springs surrounded by nature.
Explore the hot springs, coffee farms, and scenic landscapes of Arusha on a day trip from the city. Relax in the hot springs, learn about coffee production, and enjoy a peaceful walking tour through the beautiful Usa River area.
Start your day with a visit to the hot springs, where you can relax and swim in the clear waters surrounded by nature. Then, learn how coffee is made the traditional way at a local farm on the Materuni coffee tour.
Enjoy a peaceful walking tour through the beautiful Usa River area, and explore the stunning scenery around Arusha National Park. For lunch, choose between a packed lunch or dining at a local restaurant for an additional fee.
Alternatively, enjoy authentic African dishes prepared by a chef at a cozy bed and breakfast.
मुख्य आकर्षण
- Discover the traditional way of making coffee at a local farm in Materuni
- Relax and swim in the clear waters of the hot springs surrounded by nature
- Choose between a packed lunch or dining at a local restaurant for $15
- Enjoy a peaceful walking tour through the beautiful Usa River area
मार्गदर्शन भाषाएँ
महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी
The tour lasts approximately 5 hours
Booking in advance is recommended
Wear comfortable walking shoes and bring a hat and sunscreen for protection
मुझे कब बुक करना चाहिए?
उपलब्धता की गारंटी के लिए जितनी जल्दी हो सके बुक करें। जल्दी बुकिंग पर विचार करना विशेष रूप से तब महत्वपूर्ण है जब आप सार्वजनिक छुट्टियों या सप्ताहांत जैसे उच्च सीजन के दौरान यात्रा की योजना बना रहे हों।
इस यात्रा को आप यात्रा शुरू होने से 24 घंटे पहले बिना किसी शुल्क के रद्द कर सकते हैं। यदि आप इसे 24 घंटे बाद रद्द करते हैं या यात्रा पर नहीं आते हैं, तो भी आपको गतिविधि की पूरी कीमत चुकानी होगी। पिक-अप या प्रस्थान में देर से आना यात्रा पर नहीं आने के रूप में माना जाएगा।