Private Ramen Noodle Making Experience in Kyoto Ramen Noodle Making Experience in Kyoto
ID: GYG719876-1178884
देश: Japan
1 मिनट
The instructor will teach you the process of making ramen using a noodle machine
Musoshin's Toronto location has been awarded a Michelin rating
We want to spread our delicious ramen over the world.
The purpose of our workshop is to spread delicious ramen all over the world.
There are many ramen restaurants in Japan, but most of them buy their noodles from suppliers or factories.
We think the noodles they are cooking are not fresh noodles.
They have to store large quantities of noodles in the restaurant's refrigerator.
We don't want our customers to eat noodles like that, so we make fresh noodles at our restaurant every morning.
Let the noodles rest overnight and use them the next day.
The reason for this is that if you let the noodles rest overnight, they will have a better texture.
The most important ingredient in ramen is noodles.
Our dream and purpose is to tell the world how to make delicious noodles.
मुख्य आकर्षण
- A kind instructor will carefully support you in a private space.
- Our workshops are family friendly, fun and focused for an hour of noodle making.
- After the workshop, you will be able to eat the noodles you made at a restaurant
मार्गदर्शन भाषाएँ
महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी
Come to our Musoshin Gion location and our instructor will be there.
मुझे कब बुक करना चाहिए?
उपलब्धता की गारंटी के लिए जितनी जल्दी हो सके बुक करें। जल्दी बुकिंग पर विचार करना विशेष रूप से तब महत्वपूर्ण है जब आप सार्वजनिक छुट्टियों या सप्ताहांत जैसे उच्च सीजन के दौरान यात्रा की योजना बना रहे हों।
इस यात्रा को आप यात्रा शुरू होने से 24 घंटे पहले बिना किसी शुल्क के रद्द कर सकते हैं। यदि आप इसे 24 घंटे बाद रद्द करते हैं या यात्रा पर नहीं आते हैं, तो भी आपको गतिविधि की पूरी कीमत चुकानी होगी। पिक-अप या प्रस्थान में देर से आना यात्रा पर नहीं आने के रूप में माना जाएगा।