Helsinki: Evening Archipelago Cruise
ID: GYG431897-777928
देश: Finland
02:30 घंटे
Discover Helsinki’s extensive archipelago on this scenic evening cruise. Book a table on board to enjoy local delicacies while sightseeing historical islands and UNESCO fortress Suomenlinna.
Blending nature, historical sights, and Finnish fare, the sightseeing cruise journeys through Helsinki’s extensive archipelago of islands. The boat ventures past UNESCO’s fortress Suomenlinna while you cruise along the waterways and taste local dishes.
After departing from Market Square in the city center, the cruise will head towards Helsinki’s historical parts and continue along the capital’s shore to neighboring islands. The voyage will let you contrast the urban landscape with the wilderness of more than 300 islands and 130km of shoreline.
This cruise is a chance to go beyond the city center and discover the intricate archipelago of islands and nature reserves. A snippet into the Finnish seaside lifestyle, the island neighborhoods boast summer cottages, groves, boulders, and tiny coves that can be seen along the shore.
The tour will then make its way to Suomenlinna, a UNESCO World Heritage site and famous sea fortress of islands bursting with nature and history.
Finally, take in the unique sights while you sit back and delight in some local delicacies. Either book a table in advance at the restaurant on board or show up at the bar and cafeteria throughout the cruise without a reservation.
मुख्य आकर्षण
- Marvel as your boat navigates past the UNESCO fortress Suomenlinna
- Relax as twilight and the salty air set the backdrop for your seafaring voyage
- Cruise around Helsinki’s intricate archipelago of islands and diverse nature
- Discover the capital's vast shoreline and unique seaside neighborhoods
- Enjoy local delicacies and refreshments at the restaurant or cafeteria on board
महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी
Activity takes place outdoors
Make sure to dress according to weather conditions
Look for red-colored tall flags at the pier
मुझे कब बुक करना चाहिए?
उपलब्धता की गारंटी के लिए जितनी जल्दी हो सके बुक करें। जल्दी बुकिंग पर विचार करना विशेष रूप से तब महत्वपूर्ण है जब आप सार्वजनिक छुट्टियों या सप्ताहांत जैसे उच्च सीजन के दौरान यात्रा की योजना बना रहे हों।
इस यात्रा को आप यात्रा शुरू होने से 24 घंटे पहले बिना किसी शुल्क के रद्द कर सकते हैं। यदि आप इसे 24 घंटे बाद रद्द करते हैं या यात्रा पर नहीं आते हैं, तो भी आपको गतिविधि की पूरी कीमत चुकानी होगी। पिक-अप या प्रस्थान में देर से आना यात्रा पर नहीं आने के रूप में माना जाएगा।