Andalusian Horse and Flamenco Show

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ID: GYG194858-302576
देश: Spain

अवधि: 01:30 घंटे


Attend an unusual show, based on rhythm, discipline, music, and beauty. Watch an authentic equestrian ballet that has been taking place for over 27 years.
Watch 'Ritmo a Caballo', an equestrian ballet that has been performed here every Wednesday at 5:45PM uninterrupted for 26 years. The choreography incorporates a mixture of cowboy moves and dressage to Spanish music.

Riders wear old Andalusian costumes and the show is directed by José Carlos González Guerrero, who was awarded the Champion of Spain in 2009. The one and a half hour show features 20 horses, all trained by their riders.

Be amazed as you watch a group of Spanish horses all move in unison to the beat of the music. Rigorous training and traditional elegance are combined in this impressive performance.

मुख्य आकर्षण

  • Enjoy an authentic equestrian ballet
  • Admire the beauty of Flamenco
  • Watch some magical moments between the horse and its rider

मार्गदर्शन भाषाएँ

महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी
• A free tour of the stables is available if you arrive 45 minutes in advance of the show
• Please be aware of any animal allergies
• Transportation can be arranged upon request after the booking
All areas that customers touch are frequently cleaned
You must keep social distance while in vehicles
The number of visitors is limited to reduce crowds
You are required to bring and wear a mask
You will receive a mandatory temperature check
Camino del Pilar, Urb. Supr1.10, 23B, 29620 Torremolinos, Málaga.
शामिल नहीं

मुझे कब बुक करना चाहिए?

उपलब्धता की गारंटी के लिए जितनी जल्दी हो सके बुक करें। जल्दी बुकिंग पर विचार करना विशेष रूप से तब महत्वपूर्ण है जब आप सार्वजनिक छुट्टियों या सप्ताहांत जैसे उच्च सीजन के दौरान यात्रा की योजना बना रहे हों।


इस यात्रा को आप यात्रा शुरू होने से 48 घंटे पहले बिना किसी शुल्क के रद्द कर सकते हैं। यदि आप इसे 48 घंटे बाद रद्द करते हैं या यात्रा पर नहीं आते हैं, तो भी आपको गतिविधि की पूरी कीमत चुकानी होगी। पिक-अप या प्रस्थान में देर से आना यात्रा पर नहीं आने के रूप में माना जाएगा।