From Phnom Penh: Kampong Cham Day Trip with Nokor Bachey …
ID: GYG841314-1331558
देश: Cambodia
1 दिन
Discover the rich heritage and culture of Kampong Cham on a day trip from Phnom Penh. Visit the ancient archeological treasure of Phnom Srei and Phnom Pros and explore the Nokor Bachey Temple.
Explore the province of Kampong Cham on a day trip from Phnom Penh. Visit the Phnom Srey and Phnom Pros, Nokor Bachey Temple, and the pagoda of Phnom Pros. Learn about the rich heritage and culture of the region.
Start your day with a visit to the Nokor Bachey Temple, a cultural and historical site. See the gate to the pagoda on the right as you approach the temple. The temple was built in the middle of the 11th century, during the reign of Suryavarman II and King Ouphey, and is dedicated to Brahmanism.
The first long building of the Nokor Bachey Temple is 421 meters and 371 meters in dimension, made of laterite stones. The height is 9 meters and the length is 2.4 meters. Inside this building, find structures like six lions, eight dragons, and two devils.
The second long building is also a beautiful architectural structure that includes two statues of Te Cho Dam Din, two devils, and two ponds. The most significant building is the third long building, where you will find an eight-hand statue of Preah Norey located near the entrance. A four-hand statue of Preah Norey is located on the left-hand side of the Nokor Bachey Temple.
Finally, visit the fourth long building, which is also made of laterite stone and can be accessed from 12 directions. In the middle of the building, find a high peak made of sandstone with a Buddhist statue.
The mountain of Pros has a dull peak and has an approximate 30-meter height. It can be reached by road until the top. At the top, find a high-five peak temple adapted from the model of Bontey Srey temple and two pagodas closed to each other: one is the old pagoda having two peaks built in Sang Kum Reas Niyum time and the other one is being built.
From 1975-1979, the mountain of Pros was a big detention place for torturing Cambodian people in Kampong Cham province. The mountain of Srey has a pointed peak and can be climbed up by 308 stair steps. At the top, find a ruined temple, with a few nuns and no monks who stay to maintain and collect contributions to rebuild the temple.
The northern part of Phnom Srey and Phnom Pros is surrounded by spectacular mountains of Dang Rek, Ba Ley, and Chhuk. You will also find a high-five peak temple on the Phnom Srey and Phnom Pros. The temple is built in the form of Bontey Srey temple. You will also find two pagodas that are located close to each other.
The common legend told about these hills is that two teams (one of men and one of women) were competing to build the tallest mountain before sunrise. This competition occurred because the Khmer custom was that a man needed to go to the woman's parents to ask permission for a wedding, and the men were challenging this.
There are modern hilltop temples on each of the hills that you can explore. Phnom Srei also offers good countryside views, while Phnom Pros is considered to be a good relaxation spot. Between the two hills is the location of the Kompong Cham killing fields.
मुख्य आकर्षण
- Discover the rich heritage and culture of Kampong Cham on a day trip
- Visit the ancient archeological treasure of Phnom Srey and Phnom Pros
- Explore the Nokor Bachey Temple, built in the middle of the 11th century
- See the remains of the ancient archeological treasure of Phnom Srei and Pros
- Learn about the history of the region from your knowledgeable local guide
मार्गदर्शन भाषाएँ
महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी
Wear comfortable walking shoes as there will be a lot of walking.
Bring water and sunscreen to stay hydrated and protected from the sun.
Respect the local customs and dress modestly when visiting temples.
Be prepared for a moderate amount of climbing, especially to reach the top of Phnom Srei.
Check the weather forecast and plan accordingly for a more enjoyable trip.
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