Tromsø : Excursion aux aurores boréales avec dîner et boissons chaudesTromsø : Visite des aurores boréales avec dîner et boissons chaudes

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ID: GYG433183-780157
Pays: Norvège

Durée du projet: 08:00 horaires


Explorez l'Arctique lors d'une visite guidée du pays norvégien de Troms og Finnmark et apercevez les aurores boréales si vous avez de la chance. Profitez d'un dîner traditionnel norvégien accompagné de boissons chaudes.
Located in the middle of the northern lights belt, Tromso can offer some of the highest levels of northern lights activity on earth. Tromso city is situated among islands, breathtaking fjord landscapes and dramatic mountain peaks. Perhaps Tromso is the world's best place for a Northern Lights Trip – especially if you also enjoy city life.

Join one of our Northern Lights Trips this winter. It could become one of your greatest experiences. Chances to see the lights are of course better if you join for more days, but if time is limited, a one-day Northern Lights Trip might be just enough. You will take part in a search for Aurora Borealis through some of the most staggering landscapes in the Arctic.

97% happy guests and more than 1947 excellent reviews speaks for itself! We are also included in the TripAdvisor Hall of Fame - having been awarded Certificate of Excellence 7 years in a row. Our latest award is TripAdvisor Travellers' Choice
for 2023.

This is an intense and exciting chase – to the coast, to inland Norway, or perhaps even deep into Finland. We do all we can to crown your Northern Lights Trip with a sight to remember forever.

Included is most of what you need on a Northern Lights Trip. You can save a lot of money not buying expensive winter clothes, and more you don't need back home.

After spending 30 years exploring this amazing county by car, skis, sea kayaking, cycling, and walking, we know where and how to place you in the middle of the greatest show on earth. We bring you to the right spot at the right time.

We offer ecologically sustainable and responsible tours. Traveling in small groups is an essential part of the ecotourism concept, as small groups have less impact on nature and will not disturb the wildlife unnecessarily.

Our Northern Lights Trip are approved by the official Tromso tourist company, Visit Tromso, as well as the official travel company to Norway, Visit Norway. And don't forget to see what our visitors say about our trips!

We know people all around the county. They are important in our search for clear skies. We also use webcams, weather satellites, other tour operators, and all our cars in different places have contact with each other.

See you soon.

The team at Arctic Explorers.

Faits saillants

  • Les vêtements les plus chauds pour vous
  • Des décennies d'expérience dans la chasse aux aurores boréales
  • Société Premium fondée en 2012


Cette excursion a lieu par beau temps ou par mauvais temps.
Les combinaisons thermiques fournies sont deux fois plus épaisses que les combinaisons thermiques normales.

Quand dois-je réserver ?

Garantir la disponibilité du livre dans les plus brefs délais. Les réservations anticipées valent la peine d'être prises en considération, surtout si vous planifiez le voyage en haute saison, comme les jours fériés ou les fins de semaine.


Cette excursion peut être annulée sans frais jusqu'à : heures d'annulation avant le début du voyage. Si vous l'annulez après les heures d'annulation ou si vous ne vous présentez pas à l'excursion, le prix total de l'activité vous sera toujours facturé. Tout retard à la prise en charge ou au départ sera considéré comme un retard.