Un tour a pie único de la Varsovia judía: pasado y presenteTour privado Sólo para tu grupo

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ID: GYG690468-O-1147031
País: Polonia

Duración: 03:00 horas


Take a journey down the almost 1000-year-old Jewish history of Poland and Warsaw, from their arrival, their expansion, their tragic and heroic struggle, and their remerging, quiet renaissance.
There was a time when one third of Warsaw's inhabitants considered themselves Jews. A time when Warsaw was home to the biggest Jewish population in Europe.

World War II brought all of that to a devastating end.

Take a journey down the almost 1000-year-old Jewish history of Poland and Warsaw, from their arrival, their expansion, their tragic and heroic struggle, and their remerging, quiet renaissance.

Sign up for this walking tour if you would like to:
- find out how and why the Jews settled in Poland
- discover the few remaining sites that still remind us about the once thriving Jewish presence in the city
- hear the heart-breaking, first-hand accounts of Jews who survived life in the ghetto
- understand why Jews incited the Jewish Uprising in 1943 even though they knew they would fail
- learn about the current situation of the Jewish community in Warsaw.

Don't just visit Warsaw, discover it!

Tour duration: approx. 3h
Distance: approx. 4.5-5km

Lo más destacado

  • Contempla la única sinagoga de Varsovia que sobrevivió a la guerra y permanece hasta nuestros días
  • Ver una de las pocas partes que quedan del muro del gueto
  • Visita el lugar desde donde 300.000 judíos fueron transportados a Treblinka
  • Contempla varios monumentos que recuerdan la heroica lucha de los judíos en el Gueto

Lenguajes de guiado

Not recommended for travelers who have problems with walking long distances

¿Cuándo debo reservar?

Para garantizar la disponibilidad de la reserva lo antes posible. Vale la pena reservar con antelación, especialmente si planeas el viaje durante la temporada alta, como los días festivos o los fines de semana.


Esta excursión se puede cancelar sin costo alguno hasta :tiempo de cancelación horas antes del inicio del viaje. Si lo cancela después de 24 horas o no se presenta en la excursión, se le cobrará el precio total de la actividad. El retraso en la recogida o en la salida se considerará como no presentarse.