Discover Zagreb's best-kept secrets

If you are looking for museums to visit, you are in luck as Zagreb has the highest number of museums per capita. If you want to visit all the museums (which will take you a long time), you can get a Zagreb map. The museum is small but worth a visit, it is one of the best attractions in Zagreb. The museum is in the Upper Town, next to the Lotrscak Tower, so you can easily add it to your Zagreb itinerary. Apart from the unique view of Zagreb from the top of the tower, there are a few other aspects that make the Kurarotelskak Tower worth mentioning on your Zagreb attractions list. You can also climb the tower for a splendid view of Zagreb, as it is in the upper town and has the best view of San Marco's colourful tiled roofs. From the top of the tower, you can see some of the city's most famous flowers, squares, and monuments, and if the weather is nice, you can get a 360-degree view of Slovenia from the observation deck in Zagreb. These include the Lotraszczak Tower (the best view in Zagreb, the Croatian capital), the Mirogó Cemetery and, of course, the Zagreb Cathedral. There are many important buildings along Zrinjevac; among them the terrific Zagreb Archaeological Museum and the Supreme Court of Croatia. The centre is the most famous monument in Zagreb (Croatia) and one of the must-see places in Zagreb, as its twin towers can be seen from many parts of the city (it is the tallest building in Croatia after all). Located near the main square, on your journey to Zagreb, you will come across the Zagreb Cathedral. The square has been the centre of Zagreb since the 17th century, and although much has changed over the years, it is the perfect place to start your day trip to Zagreb. The main square is the starting point for exploring the centre of Zagreb. Zagreb 360 Observation Deck occupies the 16th floor of a skyscraper on Ban Jelačić Square, making it one of the best sightseeing spots in Zagreb.


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