Iberian Pig Tour in the Sierra de Huelva

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ID: NATU1712
Kategorie: Sichtkontrolle , Themenpark
Land: Spanien

Dauer: 04:00 Stunden

Preis ab:
45.00 EUR

  • März
  • Mo.
  • Di.
  • Mi.
  • Do.
  • Fr.
  • Sa.
  • So.


Iberian Ham comes from the Black Iberian pig, very appreciated in the Spanish gastronomy and recognized worldwide. The Black Iberian pig is raised in freedom in wooden grasslands -where they eat acorns- that we will visit too. We will take a guided tour across a farm dedicated to produce this delicious delicacy where visitors will learn all about the animal husbandry and Iberian ham pruoduction. We will enjoy a tour by the farm to know the pig in their husbandry process, and discover the natural environment that gives Iberian Ham its special flavor. When we have visited the farm, and learned all the details of the production process, we will enjoy an Iberian Ham tasting to say bye with a unique flavor.


  • Take a guided tour across a pig farm dedicated to produce delicious Iberian ham
  • Learn all about the animal husbandry and Iberian ham pruduction
  • Discover the natural environment that gives Iberian Ham its special flavour


  • English
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Italian

Time and place of meeting:

11:00 am., the collection point is in the main entrance of Jamones Eiriz, Pablo Bejarano 43, Corteconcepción (Province Huelva)

Duration: 4 hours


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