Explore the Lacandon Jungle and discover the archaeological wonders of Yaxchilán and...
المدة: 03:00 ساعات
418.81 EUR
Embark on a 3.5-hour cultural excursion to the indigenous villages of Zinacantan...
المدة: 03:30 ساعات
16.04 EUR
Discover the Majesty of Palenque and the Impressive Waterfalls of Roberto Barrios...
المدة: 1 أيام
37.59 EUR
Embark on a cultural adventure to Huixtan, enjoy local cuisine, and engage...
المدة: 07:00 ساعات
110.74 EUR
Discover the Wonders of the Roberto Barrios Waterfalls and admire the crystal-clear...
المدة: 11:00 ساعات
39.22 EUR
Experience the breathtaking Sumidero Canyon and the charming town of Chiapa de...
المدة: 06:00 ساعات
37.95 EUR
Explore Mexico's most biodiverse biosphere reserve, Montes Azules, by navigating the Lacantún...
المدة: 4 أيام
619.33 EUR
Immerse yourself in the beauty of Agua Azul, Misolha waterfall, Palenque, Yaxchilán,...
351.03 EUR
Explore the Lacandon Jungle and visit the ruins of 2 Mayan sites...
المدة: 2 أيام
328.10 EUR
We offer a private transfer option to Angel Albino Corzo Airport in...
المدة: 01:30 ساعات
39.74 EUR
Visit the Sumidero Canyon and Chiapa de Corzo, the first colonial city...
50.50 EUR
Enjoy a day excursion to Sumidero National Park. Experience the stunning beauty...
المدة: 09:00 ساعات
77.99 EUR
Explore San Cristobal de Las Casas. Visit San Juan Chamula to witness...
66.85 EUR
Immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of the Tzotzil Maya people...
المدة: 04:00 ساعات
21.75 EUR
Discover the remote Chiflon Waterfall and lose yourself in the natural beauty...
المدة: 12:00 ساعات
94.40 EUR
Learn about the rich culture of San Juan Chamula and Zinacantán, two...
33.79 EUR
Discover the magic of the Roberto Barrios waterfalls, where natural beauty merges...
المدة: 05:30 ساعات
44.25 EUR
Discover the rich history of the Palenque Archaeological Zone and the natural...
46.66 EUR
Enjoy a guided tour to Amatenango de Valle for pottery and artisans'...
74.80 EUR
Embark on a 3-day adventure from Palenque city to the Lacandon Rainforest....
المدة: 3 أيام
511.40 EUR
Explore the archaeological zone of Palenque, followed by a refreshing escape to...
المدة: 08:00 ساعات
112.30 EUR
Embark on a 4-day adventure from San Cristóbal de Las Casas to...
653.00 EUR
Embark on a 4-day jungle and raft adventure from San Cristóbal de...
711.39 EUR
Explore the secluded Chiflon Waterfall and get lost in the natural splendor...
المدة: 15:00 ساعات
40.86 EUR