Explore the heart of Java, with its magnificent Borobudur & Prambanan temples...
المدة: 8 أيام
352.79 EUR
Exploring and testing adrenaline down the pertical cave using a pulley system...
المدة: 07:00 ساعات
55.69 EUR
Experience a private day tour from Yogyakarta to explore the awe-inspiring Borobudur...
المدة: 08:00 ساعات
85.83 EUR
Discover the enchanting trio of Tumpak Sewu's majestic waterfalls, the surreal landscapes...
المدة: 4 أيام
549.41 EUR
You will experience the sunrise from setumbu hill, climb up to Borobudur...
المدة: 10:00 ساعات
34.80 EUR
Embark on an unforgettable private Jeep ride to Mount Merapi from Yogyakarta....
المدة: 03:00 ساعات
40.71 EUR
Lear and experiencing the tea class with organic tea direct from the...
22.38 EUR
Join our Sharing tour to catch beautiful sunrise at Bromo Mountain!It is...
المدة: 2 أيام
103.98 EUR
Make most of your time in Yogyakarta by joining the art of...
المدة: 02:00 ساعات
4.87 EUR
Explore majestic jomblang cave and famous beach travel from yogyakarta with private...
المدة: 1 أيام
45.07 EUR
المدة: 06:00 ساعات
21.06 EUR
Visiting the city of Yogyakarta, don't forget to explore the volcano called...
21.73 EUR
Get ready for an inclusive Yogyakarta culture in a day visit Prambanan...
المدة: 09:00 ساعات
215.48 EUR
Discover the historic marvels of Borobudur and Prambanan temple on a guided...
19.33 EUR
Visiting a volcano called Mount Merapi, this mountain is located to the...
19.58 EUR
المدة: 05:00 ساعات
19.85 EUR
Gain full access to the top of the Borobudur & Prambanan Temple...
128.52 EUR
Discover the UNESCO World Heritage Sites of Yogyakarta Palace, Taman Sari Water...
45.67 EUR
Explore the most popular and beautiful gems of Java Island including Mount...
571.77 EUR
488.36 EUR
Discover the art of making batik and pottery on a guided tour....
28.74 EUR
Privilege guarantee to visit Borobudur structure (climb up) and prambanan templeSecure your...
43.64 EUR
Discover the cosmological axis of Yogyakarta on a walking tour. Learn about...
المدة: 03:30 ساعات
35.26 EUR
Discover and enjoy beautiful and fresh nature by walking through the rice...
36.83 EUR